hey ambitious founder

Welcome to SisterBrand. We’re total nerds when it comes to brand strategy – because we know first-hand how overwhelming your journey feels without one.

Imogen, SisterBrand Founder

“I’m not an expert. Yup, you read that right. I could reel off a bunch of fancy achievements, but the truth is, SisterBrand exists because I once failed to build a successful brand. My first business was a £20,000 lesson in failure, but a journey that led me to discover the world of brand strategy, learn from my team, and turn my entrepreneurial journey around. We’ve since helped our clients do things like double and triple their revenue, experience sell-out launches, and secure high-value investments all through the power of brand strategy. It’s my mission to help you do the same.”

Meet the team

When you choose to work with SisterBrand, you’re not only getting a service, but a team of creative women dedicated to helping you achieve your business goals


    Lead Brand Strategist & Designer

    SisterBrand founder, Imogen, has over 10 years experience in marketing and communications. Her ideas have helped countless founders to achieve transformational results.


    Senior Brand & Web Designer

    Bredine has over 8 years of experience as a brand strategist & web designer. She has built and developed over 300 websites for small to large companies all over the world.


    Creative Strategist & Copywriter

    Denée is an ex-journalist turned creative strategist and copywriter. Her words have generated over £1.7 million in revenue for small businesses through direct response marketing.

  • JESS

    Content Marketing Strategist

    Jess has helped over 200 small businesses to grow through content marketing. Her content strategies have generated over £35k in launch revenue for ambitious founders.



    Brand & Marketing Assistant

    Eloise has a 1st class degree in Fashion Branding and Communication Arts, and has experience working with world-famous brands in maintaining their creative strategies.

We’re not your typical BrAnDiNg AgEnCy

We’re educators, creatives, innovators, and your partners in success. Our services are not just about creating scroll-stopping brands (although we’re pretty damn good at that); they're about providing you with the tools for your business to grow and prosper long-term.

Our Mission

To empower small business owners with the knowledge and tools to create brands that thrive in the digital era.

Through a mix of detailed brand education, strategic insight, design, and marketing, we’re on a mission to help as many founders as possible build successful brands.

Ready to build a brand as bold as your dreams?